Professeur de Géophysique


BORN : March 30, 1949, at Erquy, France ; Male.


  • Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, Physics (1968-73) and Caltech (1971-72)
  • PhD, University of Nantes (1979).


  • CNRS fellow, Nantes University (1973- 1981).
  • Professor of Geophysics, Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (1981-1993).
  • Professor of Geophysics, Rennes University, (1993- 1996).
  • Professor of Geophysics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (1996- present).


  • Mechanics of mantle rocks deformation: natural and experimental deformation of olivine and peridotites. Research on dislocation creep processes and dislocation induced attenuation of seismic waves .
  • Role of fluids in the mechanical behaviour of the crust. Research on percolation models applied to rock transport properties and crustal structures. Development of physical compaction models.
  • Investigation of elastic properties of porous/cracked saturated rocks, frequency effect. Development of effective media models and poroelastic models.


Guéguen, Y., and Mercier, J.M., 1973. High attenuation and the low velocity zone. Phys. of the Earth and Plan. Int., 7, 39-46.

Green, H.W., and Guéguen, Y., 1974. Kimberlite pipes : origin by diapiric upwelling in the upper mantle. Nature, 249, 5458, 617-620.

Boullier, A.M., and Guéguen, Y., 1975. SP mylonites : origin of some mylonites by superplastic flow. Contr. To Mineral. And Petrol., 50, 93-104.

Guéguen, Y., 1979. High temperature olivine creep : evidence for control by edge dislocations. Geophys. Res. Letters, 6, 5, 357-360.

Guéguen, Y., and Nicolas, A., 1980. Mantle rocks deformation. Ann. Rev. of Earth Sc., 8, 119-144.

Darot, M., and Guéguen, Y., 1981. High temperature creep of forsterite single crystals. J. Geophys. Res., 86, 6219-6234.

Guéguen, Y., David, C., and Darot, M., 1986. Models and time constants for permeability evolution in crystalline rocks. Geophys. Res. Letters, 13, 460-463.

Guéguen, Y., and Dienes, J., 1989. Transport properties of rocks from statistics and percolation. J. Math. Geology, 29, 1, 1-13.

Guéguen, Y., Darot, M., Mazot, P., and Woirgard, J.,1989. Q -1 of forsterite single crystals. Phys. of the Earth and Plan. Int., 55, 3-4, 254-258.

Guéguen, Y., David, C., and Gavrilenko, P., 1991. Percolation networks and fluid transport in the crust. Geophys. Res. Letters, 18, 931-934.

Le Ravalec, M., Guéguen, Y., and Chelidze, T., 1996. Elastic waves velocities in partially saturated rocks : saturation hysteresis. J. Geophys. Res. , 101, 837-844.

Le Ravalec, M., Guéguen, Y., and Chelidze, T., 1996. The magnitude of velocities anomalies prior to earthquakes. J. Geophys. Res.11, 217-223.

Guéguen, Y., Chelidze, T., and Le Ravalec, M., 1997. Microstructures, percolation thresholds and rock physical properties. Tectonophysics, 279, 23-35.

Simpson, G., Guéguen, Y., and Schneider, F., 2001. Permeability enhancement due to microcrack dilatancy in the damage regime. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 3999-4016.

Guéguen, Y., and Schubnel, A., 2003. Elastic waves velocities and permeability of cracked rocks. .Tectonophysics, 370,1-4, 163-176.

Schubnel, A., and Guéguen, Y., 2003. Dispersion and Anisotropy of Elastic waves in Cracked Rocks. J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2101-2116.


Guéguen,Y., and Palciauskas, V. 1994. Introduction to the physics of rocks. Princeton Univ. Press, 294p.

Guéguen,Y., and Boutéca, M. , 2004. Mechanics of fluid saturated rocks. Academic Press, 450 p.