"The beginning of all sciences is the astonishment that things are what they are”
Stages de recherche / research internships.
September 4, 2020: "A socio-seismology experiment in Haiti” accepted for publication in Frontiers in Earth Science.
September 2020: Bryan Raimbault joins the group as a PhD student, with Romain Jolivet, to work on interseismic deformation from multi-technique radar interferometry.
July 28, 2020: Elenora van Rijsingen submitter her paper "Inferring Interseismic Coupling along the Lesser Antilles Arc: a Bayesian Approach” to JGR, preview avaialble on EarthArXiv.
July 28, 2020: Publication of “Deep submarine landslide contribution to the 2010 Haiti earthquake tsunami”, by Poupardin et al. in Natural Hazards and Earth System Science.
July 10, 2020: Bryan Raimbault successfully defends his MS thesis on “Interseismic deformation in Hispaniola from ALOS interferometry”. Bryan will continue on as a PhD student — congrats!
May 10, 2020: Publication (in French) of "Une histoire des séismes en Haiti avant, pendant et après 2010” in a special issue of Haiti Perpsectives.
March 18, 2020: Ce que je comprends de l’épidémie de COVID-19 (in French) / What I understand of the COVID-19 epidemic.
February 2020: Bryan Raimbault joins the group as a MSc student to work on us to work on InSAR/ALOS measurements of fault deformation in Hispaniola — with Romain Jolivet.
The January 28, 2020, Cayman Trough earthquake (Mw7.7-7.8).
January 12, 2020: check out our new project “socio-seismology in Haiti”, with low-cost seismic stations, citizen science, and a sociology questionaire on risk perception.
September 19, 2019: Publication of "Data-adaptive spatio-temporal filtering of GRACE data" by Prevost et al. in Geophysical Journal International.
September 11-13, 2019: International conference “Geosciences 2019” organized by the URGeo laboratory of the State University of Haiti, Port-au-Prince.
July 25, 2019: Publication of "A Parametric Analysis of Fault Reactivation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: the Role of Pore-Fluid Overpressure" by Leclère and Calais in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth.
May 1, 2019: Elenora van Rijsingen joins the group as a post-doctoral researcher to work on the geodynamics of the Caribbean region.
April 23, 2019: Roosevelt Montiney, Master student from the State University of Haiti, joins us to work on InSAR/Sentinel measurements of fault deformation in Hispaniola — with Romain Jolivet.
April 23, 2019: Erdenezul Dansanzan (PhD student from Mongolia) is back to ENS for more GPS data analysis and deformation modeling!
April 20, 2019: publication of "REGAT: A permanent GPS network in Algeria, configuration and first results” by Yelles et al. in Helion.
April 16, 2019: EGU Blog "Meeting Plate Tectonics", by David Fernandez-Blanco.
March 3, 2019: publication of "The Tectonics and Active Faulting of Haiti from Seismicity and Tomography” by Poseee et al. in Tectonics.
February 2019: new GPS campaign in Cuba incollaboration with the Cuban National Seismological Center (CENAIS).
January 2 to February 4, 2019: field work in Haiti for phase 0 of the S2RHAI project to install Raspberry Shake seismometers to complement the national seismic network.
January 16, 2019: publication of "Active deformation in Algeria from Continuous GPS measurement” by Geophysical Journal International.
November 5, 2018: publication of "Oscillatory nature of the Okmok volcano's deformation” by Walwer, Ghil, and Calais in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
October 3, 2018: publication of "Afar triple junction triggered by plume-assisted bi-directional continental break-up” by Koptev, Gerya, Calais, Leroy, and Burov in Scientific Reports.
October 2018: Juan Blas (PhD student at the University of Copenhagen) Amina Bougrine (PhD student from Algeria) are back for 3 months!
September 5, 2018: publication of "The April 2017 Mw6.5 Botswana Earthquake: An Intraplate Event Triggered by Deep Fluids” by Gardonio, Jolivet, Calais, and Leclère in Geophys. Res. Letters.
June 25-26, 2018: international conference “50 Years of Plate Tectonics — Then, Now, and Beyond”, Collège de France, Paris.
June 6, 2018: publication of “The Role of Plume-Lithosphere Interactions in along-axis Variations in Rift Width in East Africa” by Koptev, A., E. Calais, E. Burov, S. Leroy, and T. Gerya in Geophys. Res. Letters.
June 5, 2018: Juan Blas, PhD student at the University of Copenhagen with Pr. G. Iaffaldano, visits our research group for 3 months.
Mai 29, 2018: The big day: réception sous la coupole… le discours, a few pictures.
April 12, 2018: “Scrutinizing the Earth at the millimeter level”, a broad audience article in L’Humanité Dimanche (in French).
April 2018: Amina Bougrine (PhD student from Algeria) and Erdenezul Dansanzan (PhD student from Mongolia) are back to ENS for more GPS data analysis and deformation modeling!
March 16, 2018: conference at my alma mater, Lycée Chateaubriand, to the “éleves des classes préparatoires BCPST”. It was great going back!
March 9, 2018: publication of "Non-uniform splitting of a single mantle plume by double cratonic roots: Insight into the origin of the central and southern East African Rift System”, by A. Koptev, Burov E., Gerya T., Le Pourhiet L., Leroy S., Calais E., and Jolivet L. in Terra Nova.
February 23, 2018: Damian Walwer successfully defends his PhD. Congratulations Damian!
February 2018: First GPS campaign in Cuba with the Centro Nacional de Investigationes Seismologicas. A success!
February 1, 2018: Louise Cordier starts a research internship on “Tsunamis and earthquake sources in the northeastern Caribbean”.
February 12, 2018: publication of “Constraints on transient viscoelastic rheology of the asthenosphere from seasonal deformation”, by K. Chanard, L. Fleitout, E. Calais in Geophys. Res. Letters.
December 16, 2017: open access publication of "Hydrologically-driven crustal stresses and seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone”, by T. Craig, K. Chanard, and E. Calais, in Nature Communications.
Dcember 5, 2017: election to the French National Academy of Sciences.
November 15, 2017: Lavinia Tunini joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher to work on intraplate deformation.
September 29, 2017: publication of "Simulation of broad-band strong ground motion for a hypothetical Mw 7.1 earthquake on the Enriquillo Fault in Haiti” by R. Douilly, G. Mavroeidis, and E. Calais in Geophysical Journal International.
September 5, 2017: Henri Leclère joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher to work on the mechanics of large earthquakes in stable continental regions.
July 01 to 15, 2017: GPS measurement campaign in the Natron Rift, northern Tanzania. Check-out some field pictures!
July 10, 2017: publication of an interview on the role scientists can play in earthquake risk reductions in Books and Ideas.
May 26, 2017: former PhD student Roby Douilly now assistant professor at University of California, Riverside, congratulations Roby!
April 18, 2017: Adrien Poupardin, postdoctoral fellow in the group, obtains an Assistant Professor position at ENSTP — congratulations Adrien!
March 31, 2017: Thibault Fradet joins the groups as a postdoctoral fellow (CEA/DASE fellowship). He will work on the historical record of tsunamis in France and the Caribbean.
March 6, 2017: Manon Dalaison, M1 reseach intern (ENS), joins the group to work on the mechanisms of present-day extension in the Natron basin, East African Rift.
March 15, 2017: publication (in French) of “Science et conscience dans la post-urgence du séisme d’Haiti”, L’Harmattan eds.
January 23, 2017: postdoctoral fellow Adrien Poupardin is back! He will work on tsunami simulations in the northern Caribbean.
January 12, 2017: Erdenezul Danzansan, researcher from the Mongolian Research Center for Astronomy and Geophysics (RCAG), joins the group for a two-month visit.
January 12, 2017: Amina Bougrine, researcher from the Research Center for Astronomy and Geophysics (Algeria), joins the group for a three-month visit.
October 6, 2016: publication of "Reconciling geodetic and geologic estimates of recent plate motion across the Southwest Indian Ridge”, by DeMets, Calais and Merkouriev, Geophys. J. Int.
September 15, 2016: on-line publication of "A New Paradigm for Large Earthquakes in Stable Continental Plate Interiors", by Calais, Camelbeeck, Stein, Liu, and Craig, Geophys. Res. Letters Frontier Paper.
June 20, 2016: publication of "Evidence for the release of long-term tectonic strain stored in continental interiors through intraplate earthquakes”, by Craig et al., Geophys. Res. Letters.
June 6, 2016: former PhD student Kristel Chanard now researcher at the French Geodetic Institute (IGN/LAREG) — congratulations Kristel!
May 23, 2016: former PhD student Steeve Symithe now lecturer at the Haiti State University — congratulations Steeve!
May 17, 2016: Nelly Konan (ENSG student) starts a research internship on “Tsunamis and earthquake sources in the northeastern Caribbean”.
May 2, 2016: publication of "Present-day shortening in Southern Haiti from GPS measurements and implications for seismic hazard”, by Symithe and Calais, Tectonophysics.
April 18, 2016: graduate student Steeve Symithe successfully defends his PhD, congratulations Steeve!
April 2016: publication of “Science and Society in the Aftermath of the 12 January 2010 Haiti Earthquake” (in French).
March 1, 2016: graduate student Paoline Prevost joins the research group. Welcome Paoline!
February 22, 2016: online publication of "Data-Adaptive Detection of Transient Deformation in Geodetic Networks", by Walwer, Calais, and Ghil, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth.
January 27, 2016: publication of "Plate Boundary Segmentation in the Northeastern Caribbean from Geodetic Measurements and Neogene Geological Observations", by Calais et al., CR Geosciences.
December 17, 2015: publication of "Understanding the process of oceanic crust formation and the role of melt at the Southern Red Sea Rift in Afar, using a high precision gravity survey”, by Lewi et al., Geological Society, London, Special Publications.
October 21, 2015: graduate student Kristel Chanard successfully defends her PhD thesis on the topic “Seasonal deformation of the Earth caused by hydrological variations, impact on seismicity”. Congratulations!
October 2015: publication of "Tsunami Scenarios and Hazard Assessment along the Northern Coast of Haiti”, by Gailler et al., Geophysical Journal International.
October 2015: postdoctoral researcher Tim Craig leaves the group and moves on to a new position at Univ. of Leeds — congrats and all the best Tim!
October 2015: graduate student Elisabeth Woisetschlager joins the research group to work on “Response of the Earth to Seasonal Loads”.
September — December 2015: Erdenezul Danzansan, researcher from the Mongolian Research Center for Astronomy and Geophysics (RCAG), joins the group for a three-month visit.
June 2015: publication of "Increasing seismicity in the U. S. midcontinent: Implications for earthquake hazard”, by Ellsworth et al., The Leading Edge.
May 2015: former PhD student Sarah D. Stamps now assistant professor at Virginia Tech — congratulations Sarah!
May-July 2015: graduate student Steeve Symithe spends a three-month visit at ENS to complete his PhD work on Caribbean geodesy and tectonics.
April 6, 2015: online publication of “Dual continental rift systems generated by plume–lithosphere interaction”, by A. Koptev, Calais, E., Burov, E., Leroy, S., and Gerya, T., in Nature Geoscience.
March 15, 2015: publication of "Upper mantle temperature and the onset of extension and break-up in Afar, Africa”, by J. Armitage, D.J. Ferguson, S. Goes, J.O.S. Hammond, E. Calais, C. Rychert, and N. Harmon in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
March 24, 2015: online publication of "Current Block Motions and Strain Accumulation on Active Faults in the Caribbean”, by S. Symithe, E. Calais, J.B. de Chabalier, R. Robertson, and M. Higgins in the Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
January 28, 2015: online publication of "3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations Across Interacting Faults: The Mw7. 0, 2010, Haiti Earthquake”, by R. Douilly, H. Aochi, E. Calais in the Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
December 28, 2014: online publication of "Role of Mantle Flow in Nubia-Somalia Plate Divergence” by D.S. Stamps, G. Iaffaldano, and E. Calais in Geophysical Research Letters.
October 30, 2014: online publication of "Strain accumulation in the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones from 14 years of continuous GPS observation” by T.J. Craig and E. Calais in the Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
October 30, 2014: online publication of "Current plate boundary deformation of the Afar rift from a 3D velocity field inversion of InSAR and GPS” by C. Pagli, H. Wang, T. J. Wright, E. Calais and E. Lewi in the Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
October 6, 2014: postdoctoral fellow Adrien Poupardin joins the group to work on tsunami simulations in the northern Caribbean.
October 1, 2014: graduate student Damian Walwer joins the research group to work on "Adaptative Detection of Transient Deformation in GNSS Networks”.
September 10, 2014: postdoctoral fellow Tim Craig signs up for another year in the research group!
June 24, 2014: MS students Damian Walwer (“Transient deformation in GPS time series") and Clément Roy (“Tsunamis in northern Haiti") successfully defend their research projects.
May 22, 2014: Graduate students Roby Douilly and Steeve Symithe obtain a COCONet fellowship to complete their PhD — congratulations!
May 20, 2014: online publication of "Current kinematics and dynamics of Africa and the East African Rift System", by D. S. Stamps, L. M. Flesh, E. Calais, and A. Ghosh in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
April 30, 2014: "Precise to a fault: How GPS revolutionized seismic research”, Earth Magazine, featuring research from our group.
April 29, 2014: Tim Craig (postdoc) presents his work at the 2014 European Geophysical Union meeting.
April 7, 2014: online publication of “Present-day kinematics of the East African Rift, E. Saria, E. Calais. D.S. Stamps, D. Delvaux, and J.H. Hartnady” in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
March-April 2014: Steeve Symithe and Roby Douilly, PhD students at Purdue University, spend a two-month visit at ENS. Both are working on Caribbean tectonics and seismology.
February 13, 2014: Conference at the British Royal Astronomical Society on “Seismic risk reduction in the aftermath of the Haiti, 2010, earthquake”, as part of the BGA New Advances in Geophysics Meeting.
January 2014: Damian Walver (M2 student) starts a research internship on “Detecting transient deformation in geodetic time series”.
January 2014: Clément Roy (M2 student) starts a research internship on “Tsunamis and earthquake sources in the northeastern Caribbean”.
January 31, 2014: Conference at Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, on “From science to action: What are we not doing right about earthquakes? Thoughts from the January 2010 Haiti disaster”.
November 2013: Dr. Elifuraha Saria (Professor at Ardhi University, Tanzania, PhD Purdue University, USA) is visiting for a month.
October 2013: Dr. Tim Craig (PhD Cambridge University, U.K.), joins the research group as a postdoctoral researcher to work on intraplate earthquakes and deformation.
October 2013: Internship M2 "Tsunamis and earthquake sources in the northeastern Caribbean"
October 2013: Internship M2 "Transient deformations"/stage M2 "Déformations transitoires"
October 1, 2013: Conférence "Risque sismique et enjeux sociétaux", cycle "Risques environnementaux" (2013-2014)
My Haiti stint — more to come, perhaps.