Curriculum Vitae
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2022 - Now: Professeur des universités -- Professor (ENS)
2015 - 2022: Maitre de Conférences -- Assistant Professor
École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) and Institut Universitaire de France (2020-2025)
2014 - 2015: Marie Curie Experienced Researcher
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
2011 - 2014: Post-doctoral Scholar
Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA.
2008 - 2011: PhD Student. Supervisors: Dr. C. Lasserre, Dr. M.-P. Doin
ISTerre, University of Grenoble, France.
2006 - 2008: Master Géosciences
École Normale Supérieure & Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France.
Internship with Pr. R. Bürgmann (UC Berkeley, USA, 6 months)
Internship with Dr. C. Vigny (ENS, France)
2005 - 2006: License Géoscience
École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
Internship with Pr. R. Cattin (ENS, now Univ Montpellier, 1 month)
2003 - 2005: Préparation aux Concours des Grandes Écoles
Lycée Saint Louis, Paris, France.
Admis à l'École Normale Supérieure (rank: 13/900).
2020 : Membre du groupe de travail sur la refonte des programmes de classes préparatoires BCPST
2017 - Now: In charge of the 1st year of Master Geoscience @ENS
2015 - Now: Assistant Professor at the Department of Geoscience, ENS
SeismoTectonics, masters -- From geodetic and seismological data to a mechanical
description of the earthquake cycle
Remote Sensing, masters -- Time series analysis and atmospheric perturbations in
2013: Lecture on atmospheric perturbations in InSAR at CalTech (GE167)
2009 - 2011: Teaching Assistant at Université de Grenoble, France.
Seismic imaging field course (Villefranche-sur-mer), masters
Geodesy, undergraduate
Introduction to geosciences, undergraduate
Remote Sensing, masters
Radar Interferometry, masters
2008: Weekly Oral exams at Lycée Saint Louis, Paris, France.
Scientific Life:
Scientific Community:
Member of the scientific board of the Ecole Normale Supérieure ("Conseil Scientifique, membre élu représentant des personnels de rang B")
Convener in international conferences: AGU Fall Meeting, EGU General Assembly,
Reviewer for Nature Geoscience, Science, Geophysical Research Letters, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Geodesy, Tectonophysics, G3, IEEE GRSL, IEEE TGRS
Reviewer for funding agencies: National Science Foundation (USA), European Research Council (Europe)
Lab Life:
Tectonic Observatory Seminar, California Institute of Technology, 2012-2013
Convener/Organizer of the "Tribulations Savantes", Outreach event for high school students
in Grenoble, France.
Convener/Organizer of the PhD Candidate Meeting of ISTerre, 2010.
Active Collaborations:
Z. Çakir (Istanbul Tech. Univ),Dr. A. Copley (Cambridge, UK), Pr. M. Simons (CalTech, USA), Pr. J.-P. Avouac (Caltech, USA), Pr. G. Peltzer (UCLA/JPL, USA), S. Ergintav (Kandili Obs, Istanbul), Dr. C. Lasserre (ISTerre, France), Dr. P. S. Agram (JPL/CalTech, USA), Dr. R. Grandin (IPGP, France), Dr. Y. Klinger (IPGP, France), Pr. F. Renard (ISTerre, France), Dr. T. Candela (UCSC, USA)...
Code Development:
Efidir Project Member. NSBAS Chain Project member.
Python-based Atmospheric Phase Screen (PyAPS) developper
GIAnT developper (with P. S. Agram)
AlTar project member (P.I.: M. Simons, CalTech)
CSI Project leader (To be released soon, I hope...)
Awards and Fellowships:
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, 2020 - 2025
AGU Jason Morgan Early Career Award 2017
Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship, 2014-2016
Tectonics Observatory Fellowship, 2011-2013
Outstanding student paper award, ESA Dragon 2 Symposium, China, 2010
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research Fellowship, 2009-2012
École Normale Supérieure de Paris Fellowship, 2005