Sophie Violette Hydrogéologie Bât. Lhomond-Erasme, pièce 325D Tél. : 01 44 32 22 75 Email :
1993 Hubert P., Tessier Y., Lovejoy S., Schertzer D., Schmitt F., Ladoy P., Carbonnel J.-P., Violette S., Desurosne I., (1993). Multifractals and extreme rainfall events. Geophysical Research Letters, 20/10, 931-934. Barillon R., Violette S., Nicolini E., Klein D., Chambaudet A., Carbonnel J.-P., Heath M.J., Merefield J.-R., (1993). Continuous measurements of radon content in groundwater on the volcanic site of "Piton de la Fournaise" (Island of Réunion, France). Nuclear Tracks radiation and Measurements, 22/4, 277-280. 1995 Nicolini E., Violette S., Klein D., Barillon R., Raoult M., (1995). Radon activity in groundwaters of an active volcano, Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island. Proceeding of the IAH congress XXVI - Edmonton, 5p. 1997 Violette S., Ledoux E., Goblet P., Carbonnel J.-P., (1997). Hydrologic and thermal modelling of an active volcano: the "Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion Island". Journal of hydrology, 191/1-4, 37-63. Gassama N., Violette S., (1997). The geochemical study of surface waters of mountain granitic area. The upper watershed: Massif of Rila, Bulgaria. Water Research, 31/4, 767-776. Violette S., Gassama N., Espinosa L., (1997). Hydrochimie des eaux de surface en zone de montagne sur socle cristallin, Massif de Rila (Bulgarie). IAHS Publ., n°244, pp.325-333.
1998 Gassama N., Violette S., (1998). Geochemical study of surface waters in the Rila massif (Bulgaria) - importance of weathering characteristics and atmospheric inputs. OM2, fasc. 7, édition de l’Institut de recherches nucléaires et de l’énergie nucléaire, pp. 55-64. Gassama N., Violette S., (1998). Identification and assessment of relative importance of natural processes regulating stream water chemistry in a subalpine area. Mineralogical Magazine, vol.62A, Part 1, pp. 507-508. Castro M.C., Goblet P., Ledoux E., Violette S., Marsily G. de, (1998). Noble gases as natural tracers of water circulation in the Paris Basin. Part 2 : Calibration of a groundwater flow model using noble gas isotope data. Water Resources Research, 34/10, 2467-2483. 1999 Violette S., Bruel D., Thibiéroz J, Macquar J.-C., (1999). Apports, limites et perspectives de la modélisation hydro-thermo-mécanique du bassin du SE de la France pour la compréhension des transferts de fluides. Mémoire des Sciences Géologiques, 99, 145-148. Raoult Y., Boulègue J., Lauverjat J., Violette S., Marsily G. de, Levassor A., (1999). La nappe de l’Albien dans le Bassin de Paris : de nouvelles idées pour de vieilles eaux. Mémoire des Sciences Géologiques, 99, 117-119. 2001 Violette S., Marsily G. de, Carbonnel J.-P., Goblet P., Ledoux E., Tijani S. M., Vouille G., (2001). Can rainfall trigger volcanic eruptions? A mechanical stress model of an active volcano: "Piton de la Fournaise", Réunion Island. Terra Nova, 13/1, 18-24. Violette S., Gassama N., Jendrzejewski N., (2001). Coastal aquifer in the Bay of Bengal - Is water salinization due to seawater intrusion or does it have multiple origins? Proceedings SWICA - First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers - Monitoring, Modelling, and Management, Essaouira, Morocco, 4p. 2002 Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Marsily G. de, Bruel D., Ledoux E., Robin C., Guillocheau F., (2002). 3-D modelling of the fluid flow, compaction, pore pressure and thermal evolution of the Paris bassin, France, over its 248 My history. Proceedings AAPG - Houston, 4p. Bruel D., Violette S., (2002). Coupling diagenetic effects in a basin model for mass transfer predictions at the regional scale. Proceedings AAPG - Houston, 4p. Gassama N., Violette S., d’Ozouville N., Dia A., (2002). Multiple origin of water salinization in a coastal aquifer, South India, geochemical point of view. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, vol..66, n°15A, pp. 265. Cosenza Ph., Ghoreychi M., Marsily G. de, Vasseur G., Violette S., (2002). Theorical prediction of poroelastic properties of argillaceous rocks from in situ specific storage coefficient. Water Resources Research, 38/10, doi: 10.1029/2001WR001201. Marsily G. De, Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Castro M.C., (2002). Migration mechanisms of radionucleides from a clay repository toward adjacent aquifers and the surface. Compte Rendu de l’Académie des Sciences, Physique 3, 945-959. 2003 Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Robin C., Pagel M., Guillocheau F., Marsily G. de, Bruel D., Ledoux E., (2003). 3-D modelling of salt and heat transport during the 248 My evolution of the Paris basin: diagenetic implications. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 174/5, 429-439. Gassama N., Violette S., d’Ozouville N., Dia A., Jendrzejewski N., (2003). Multiple origin of water salinization in a coastal aquifer, Bay of Bengal. IAHS Publ. n°278 "Hydrology of Mediterranean and Semiarid Regions", 278, 471-476. Violette S., Gonçalvès J., Jost A., Bruel D., J.-C Gros and The PNRH-99.35/01.44 Program Team (2003). National Hydrological Research Programme (PNRH 99/35-01/44): Fluid transfer modelling of the Paris basin. Eurosafe 2003, Eds IRSN/GRS, 81-88. 2004 Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Robin C., Bruel D., Guillocheau F., Ledoux E., (2004). Combining a compaction model and a facies model to reproduce permeability fields at the regional scale. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 17-24. Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Wendling J., (2004). Analytical and numerical solutions for alternative overpressuring processes: Application to the Callovo-Oxfordian sedimentary sequence in the Paris basin, France. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109/B02110, doi:10.1029/2002JB002278. Jost A., Violette S., Macquar J.-C., Dromart G. (2004). Fluid palaeo-circulation generated by the Pyrenean orogeny and its potential role in the formation of lead-zinc deposits in the Cévennes region: a modelling approach. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 175, 317-329. Gonçalvès J., Violette S., Guillocheau F., Pagel M., Bruel D., Robin C., Marsily G. de, Ledoux E., (2004). Contribution of a three-dimensional regional scale basin model to the study of the past fluid flow evolution and the present hydrology of the Paris basin, France. Basin Research, 16/4, 569-586, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2004.00243.x; (AN 15242309). Violette S., Gonçalvès J., Jost A., Marsily G. De And The PNRH-99.35/01.44 Program Team (2004). 3D basin modelling of the Paris basin: diagenetic and hydrogeologic implications. First AMIGO Workshop proceedings, Eds OCDE, 113-121.
2005 Rabemanana V., Violette S., Marsily G. de, Robain H., Deffontaines B., Andrieu P., Parriaux A., Bensimon M., (2005). Origin of the high variability of water mineral content in the bedrock aquifers of the Southern Madagascar : A multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Hydrology, 310, 1-4, 143-156. Marsily G. de, Delay F., Gonçalvès J., Renard Ph., Teles V., Violette S., (2005). Dealing with spatial heterogeneity. Hydrogeology Journal, 13, 161-183. Violette S., Jost A., Gonçalvès J., and The "Paris Basin Modelling" Team (2005). Past Geologic, Climatic and Geomorphologic Forcing Influence on Present-day Hydrodynamics, a key to understanding future evolution: example of the Paris Basin, France. Second AMIGO Workshop proceedings, Eds OCDE, 157-162 Jost A., Violette S., *Gonçalvès J., Kageyama M., Ramstein G., Ledoux E., Marsily de G., (2005). Flow and transport modelling in the Paris Basin over geologic time. International Workshop “From data gathering and groundwater modelling to integrated management, 4-8 octobre, Alicante (Espagne)”, Eds AIH-GE-IGME, 657 pp, ISBN 84-7840-655-7.
2006 Ozouville N. d’, Violette S., Gassama N., Dia A., Jendrzejewski N., (2006). Origin of water salinization in a coastal aquifer of the Bay of Bengal: The Kaluvelly watershed, Tamil Nadu, India. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 177/6, 333-345. 2007 Jost A., Violette S., Gonçalvès J., Ledoux E., Guyomard Y., Guillocheau F., Kageyama M., Ramstein G., Suc J. P., (2007). Long-term hydrodynamic response induced by past climatic and geomorphologic forcing: The case of the Paris basin, France Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 32/1-7, 368-378 Gueutin P., Altmann S., Gonçalvès J., Cosenza Ph., Violette S., (2007). Osmotic interpretation of overpressures in the Callovo-Oxfordian at the Bure site. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 32/1-7, 434-440. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2005.12.002 Adelinet M., Fortin J., Ozouville d’ N., Violette S., (2007). The relationship between hydrodynamic properties and weathering of soils derived from volcanic rocks - Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Environmental Geology, 56:45–58, doi: 10.1007/s00254-007-1138-3
2008 Akouvi A., Dray M., Marsily G. de, Violette S., Zuppi G.-M, (2008). The sedimentary coastal basin of Togo: Example of a multilayered aquifer still influenced by a paleo seawater intrusion. Hydrogeology Journal.,16, 419-436, doi:10.1007/s10040-007-0246-1 Ozouville N. d’, Deffontaines B., Benveniste J., Wegmuller U., Violette S., Marsily G. de, (2008). DEM generation using ASAR (ENVISAT) for addressing the lack of freshwater ecosystems management, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Remote Sensing of Environment – Special issue on Monitoring Freshwater Ecosystems, 112/11, 4131-4147, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2008.02.017. Ozouville N. d’, Auken E., Sørensen K., Violette S., Marsily G. de, Deffontaines B., Merlen G., (2008). Extensive perched aquifer and structural implications revealed by 3D resistivity mapping in Galapagos volcano. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 269/3-4, 517-521, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.03.011 Gueutin P., Gonçalvès J, Violette S., (2008). Osmotic efficiency in Callovo-Oxfordian argilites: Experimental vs. theoretical models. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33/1, 106-S113 2009 Violette S., Boulicot G., Gorelick S. M., (2009). Tsunami-induced Groundwater Salinization in Southeastern India. Comptes Rendus - Geoscience 341, 339-346. doi10.1016/j.crte.2008.11.013 Auken E., Violette S., Ozouville N. d’, Deffontaines B., Sorensen K, Viezzoli A., Marsily G. de, (2009). An integrated study of the hydrogeology of volcanic islands using helicopter borne transient electromagnetic: Application in the Galápagos Archipelago. Comptes Rendus - Geoscience, 341, 899-907, doi:10.1016/j.crte.2009.07.006 Rousseau-Gueutin P., Greef V. de, Gonçalvès, J., Violette S., Chanchole S., (2009). Experimental device for chemical osmosis measurement on natural clay-rock samples maintained at in situ conditions: Implications for formation pressure interpretation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 337, 106-116, doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2009.04.092 Jost A., Fauquette S., Kageyama M., Krinner G., Ramstein G., Suc J.-P., Violette S. (2009). High resolution climate and vegetation simulations of the Late Pliocene, a model-data comparison over western Europe and the Mediterranean region. Climate Past, 5, 585–606, 2009. 2010 Gonçalvès J., Pagel M., Violette S., Guillocheau F., Robin C., (2010). Fluid inclusions as constraints in a three-dimensional hydro-thermo-mechanical model of the Paris basin, France. Basin Research, 22/5, 699-716, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00428x Gonçalvès, J., Rousseau-Gueutin P., Marsily G. De., Cosenza P., Violette S., (2010). What is the significance of pore pressure in a saturated shale layer? Water Resources Research, 46, W04514, doi:10.1029/2009WR008090, 2010 Tremosa J., Gonçalvès, J., Matray J.M., Violette S., (2010). Estimating thermo-osmotic coefficients in clay-rocks: II. In situ experimental approach. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 342, 175-184. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2009.09.055 Rousseau-Gueutin P., Gonçalvès, J., Cruchaudet M., Marsily G. de, Violette S., (2010). Hydraulic and Chemical Pulse-Tests in a Shut-in Chamber Imbedded in an Argillaceous Formation: Numerical and Experimental approaches. Water Resources Research, 46/W08516, doi:10.1029/2008WR007371 Laigle L., Joseph P., Marsily G. de, Violette S., (2010). 3-D process modelling of ancient storm-dominated deposits by an event-based approach. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 130, pp. 171-182 2011 Pryet A., Ramm J., Chiles J.-P., Auken E., Deffontaines B., Violette S., (2011). 3D resistivity gridding of large AEM datasets: a step toward enhanced geological interpretation. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 75, 277-283, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.07.006
2012 Gassama N., Dia A., Violette S., (2012). Origin of salinity in a multilayered aquifer with high salinization vulnerability. Hydrological Processes, 26, 168-188, doi: 10.1002/hyp.8125 Pryet A., Dominguez C., Fuente-Tomai P., Chaumont C., Ozouville N. d’, Villacis M., Violette S., (2012). Quantification of cloud water interception along a windward slope of Santa Cruz Island. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 161 (2012) 94– 106, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.03.018 Gassama N., Violette S., (2012). Atmospheric, weathering and biological contributions in the chemical signature of stream water: the upper Iskar Reka watershed, Bulgaria. Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi:10.1080/02626667.2012.665609 Pryet, A., Ozouville, N. d’, Violette, S., Deffontaines, B., Auken, E. (2012). Hydrogeological settings of a volcanic island (San Cristóbal, Galapagos) from joint interpretation of airborne electromagnetics and geomorphological observations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 4571-4579, doi:10.5194/hess-16-4571-2012, 2012. Selles A., Deffontaines B., Hendrayana H., Violette S., (2012). Characterisation of the volcano-sedimentary deposits of an active strato-volcano : the Merapi case example (Central Java, Indonesia). Proceedings, 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation in ASEAN, Manila, September 6-7 2012, 13p.
2013 Laigle L., Joseph Ph., Marsily G. de, Violette S. (2013). 3-D Process modelling of an ancient storm-dominated deposits by an event-based approach application of the Gulf of Lions deposits. Marine Geology, 335, 177–199, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2012.11.007 Contoux C., Violette, S., Vivona R., Goblet P., Patriarche D., (2013). How basin model results enable the study of multi-layer aquifer response to pumping: the Paris Basin, France. Hydrogeology Journal, 21/3, 545-557, doi:10.1007/s10040-013-0955-6
2014 Vittecoq B., Deparis J., Violette S., Jaouen T., Lacquement F., (2014). Influence of successive phases of volcanic construction and erosion on Mayotte’s hydrogeological functioning as determined from a helicopter-borne resistivity survey correlated with borehole geological and permeability data. Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.062 Sarah, S., Ahmed, S., Boisson, A., Violette, S., Marsily, G. de (2014). Projected groundwater balance as a state indicator for addressing sustainability and management challenges of overexploited crystalline aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 515, 1405-1419, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.016 Violette, S., Ozouville N. d’, Pryet A., Deffontaines B., Fortin J., Adelinet M., (2014). Hydrogeology of the Galapagos Archipelago: an integrated and comparative approach between islands. In K. S. Harpp, E. L. Mittelstaedt, N. D’Ozouville, and D. W. Graham (Eds.), The Galápagos as a Laboratory for the Earth Sciences, Book Chapter 9, 167-183. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. ISBN: 978-1-118-85241-5 Violette S., (2014). Histoire hydrogéologique des aquifères profonds du Bassin parisien. In J-P Gely et F. Hanot (Eds). Le Bassin parisien, un nouveau regard sur la géologie. Cinquantenaire de l’Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, Chapter 4, 2014. 2015 Selles, A., Deffontaines B., Hendrayana, H., Violette, S., (2015). The eastern flank of Merapi volcano (Central Java, Indonesia): Architecture and implications of volcaniclastic deposits. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 108, 38-47, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.04.026 Vittecoq B., Reninger, P.-A., Violette, S., Martelet, G., Dewandel, B., Audru, J.-C., (2015). Heterogeneity of hydrodynamic properties and groundwater circulation of a coastal andesitic volcanic aquifer controlled by tectonic induced faults and rock fracturing - Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles - FWI). Journal of Hydrology, 529, 1041-1059, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.022 Violette S., (2015). Les aquifères profonds du bassin de Paris. Bulletin d’Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, Vol.52, n°2, pp 19-22. 2016 Dominguez Gonzalez, C., Pryet, A., Garcia Vera, M., F., Gonzalez, A., Chaumont, C., Tournebize, J., Villacis, M. J., Ozouville, N. d’, Violette, S., (2016). Comparison of deep percolation rates below contrasting land covers with a joint canopy and soil model. Journal of Hydrology, 532, 65-79, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.11.022 Dentzer J., Lopez S., Violette, S., Bruel D., (2016). Quantification of the impact of paleoclimates on the deep heat flux of the Paris Basin. Geothermics, 61, 35-45, doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.01.006 Violette, S., Collin, P.-Y., Lagneau, V., Aubertin, F., Makhloufi, Y., Charton, R., Bergerat, R., (2016). Reactive transport modelling of carbonate cementation in a deep saline aquifer, in the Middle Jurassic Oolithe Blanche Formation, Paris Basin. Comptes Rendus – Geoscience, Speciale Issue “Modelling in Sedimentology”, doi:10.1016/j.crte.2016.06.002 2017 Vincent A., Violette, S., (2017). Why hasn't a seawater intrusion yet happened in the Kaluvelli-Pondicherry basin, Tamil Nadu, India? Hydrogeology Journal, 25(6), 1893-1907, doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1558-4 Dentzer J., Violette, S., Lopez S., Bruel D., (2017). Thermal anomalies, paleoclimatic diffusive and advective phenomena: example of the Anglo-Paris Basin. Hydrogeology Journal, doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1592-2 Dominguez Gonzalez, C., Garcia Vera, M., F., Chaumont, C., Tournebize, J., Villacis, M. J., Violette, S., (2017). Quantification of cloud water interception at the windward slope highlands of San Cristobal Island. Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.11228 Adelinet M., Dominguez Gonzalez, C., Fortin J., Violette S., (2017). Seismic-refraction field experiments on Galapagos Islands: a quantitative tool for hydrogeology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2017.10.009 |