Violette Hydrogéologie Bât. Lhomond-Erasme, pièce 325D Tél. : 01 44 32 22 75 Email :
Characterization of aquifers/aquitards: geometry and hydrodynamic properties Past
evolution of hydro-systems for the understanding of their dynamics in
the present, and even in the future: transient evolution of medium and
long term hydro-systems following climatic, geomorphological, tectonic and anthropic forcings Study of the processes of recharge/evapotranspiration of shallow unconfined hydro-systems and quantification Sophie
has joined the Ecole
Normale Supérieure
de Géologie)
for her research activity in 2014. She received a PhD (1993) then a
HDR (2003) on Hydrogeology from the University of Pierre et Marie
CURIE (UPMC). She is Assistant Professor in Hydrogeology at the UPMC
since 1995, and was doing her research at Laboratoire
de Géologie Appliquée,
then UMR.7619-Sisyphe.
She was invited as visitor scientist at John Hopkins University, team
of Pr. Grant Garven (1999) then at Stanford University, team of Pr.
Steve Gorelick (2005). The
main goal of her research activities
is the understanding of groundwater flow at various spatial and time
scales (watershed to sedimentary basins and daily to 10^6
years, respectively) by identification of: 3D geometry (from
geological and geophysical data), properties and physical processes
involved (mechanical, hydrodynamic, heat and solute transfers) and
boundary conditions (Natural
Tectonic, eustatism, climate and; Anthropogenic
Pumping). Her scientific activity includes a large proportion of
groundwater flow modelling constrained by: geological, geochemical,
isotopic or thermal data. She has a multidisciplinary background and
a field experience performed in developed and developing regions
submitted to various climates: France (volcanic islands and
sedimentary basins), Bulgaria and Madagascar (bedrocks), India
(sedimentary basin), Ecuador and Indonesia (basaltic and andesitic
volcanoes). Her expertise is strengthened by a strong experience for
collaborative research and coordination of research projects with
national and international collaborators. Her research is funded by:
public organisms (AESN, ANDRA, ANR, ANRT, Chancellery of
Universities, CRIF, INSU, IRSN, SEDIF), private companies (DANONE,
EDF, ESA, GdF-Suez), Enterprise Foundations (Ensemble, Foundation of
France, Schlumberger, Véolia) or International organisms (PNUD,
World bank). She has been serving as expert on hydrogeology for a
number of national committees (ANDRA-COS, IFPEn-CS, Universities-CSE,
INRA-CSS) and reviewer for journals and funding agencies, national
and international.
Main projects coordination MBP - Paris Basin Modelling
GIIWS - Galápagos Islands: Integrated Water Study – International project
Sophie Violette is co-authored of more than 70 publications, 50 in top-tier peer-reviewed journals, contributed to 2 scientific book chapters, has given over 18 invited lectures and seminars, and
contributed to
more than 120 presentations at national and international meetings.
She has supervised (or co-supervised) 17 PhD fellows, 5 Post-doc fellows and 43 Master students. She
teaches the Applied Hydrogeology and the Quantitative Hydrogeology
for the undergraduate and graduate levels (lectures, modelling
seminars and fieldwork training). |