Lesson for "Magistere des Sciences de la Terre" (2nd year)

WARNING. These lessons don't pretend to be 100% original. Numbers of explanations, demonstrations, figures, etc..., come from my personnal work but many others come from books and papers published by different authors. Here follow a list (the most complete possible) of the work which inspired me.

  1. Applications of continuum physics to geological problems, D.L. Turcotte and G. Schubert, John Wiley & sons Inc., 1982. ISBN 0-471-06018-6
  2. Plate Tectonics: How it Works, A. Cox and R.B. Hart, Blackwell scientific publications, 1986. ISBN 0-86542-313-X
  3. Inside the Earth, B.A. Bolt, W.H. Freeman and company, 1982. ISBN 0-7167-1359-4
  4. The Earth's Magnetic Field, R.T. Merril and M.W. McElhinny, Academic press Inc. (London), 1983. ISBN 0-12-491240-0
  5. Geomagnetism, S.M. Cisowski, M.Fuller, D. Gubbins, P.H. Roberts, C.T. Russel, J.A. Jacobs ed. Academic press Ltd., 1987. ISBN 0-12-378672-X
  6. Geophysical geodesy, K. Lambeck, Oxford University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-19-854438-3
  7. Geodesy : the concepts, P. Vanicek and E. Krakiwsky, Elsevier Science Publisher, 1982. ISBN 0-444-87777-0
  8. GPS for Geodesy, A. Kleusber and P.J.G. Teunissen Editors, Springer-Verlag, 1996. ISBN 3-540-60785-4
  9. Tectonique, J. Mercier et P. Vergely, Dunod, 1992. ISBN 2-10-000287-2
  10. Sciences géométriques et télédétection, L. Lliboutry, Masson, 1992. ISBN 2-225-82542-X
  11. Formes et mouvements de la Terre, A. Cazennave et K. Feigl, CNRS éditions, 1994. ISBN 2-271-05233-5

WARNING : my lessons were written under WORD and translation in HTML is poor... number of figures disappeared, equations are blanked, and the change of font messed up the page formatting. The basic information is still here, but not handy to extract. In addition, these lessons do require a good level in theoretical mathematics and physics. ON top of that, besides the summary I translated in English, the rest of the lessons are in FRENCH
If you are more interested in simplified facts and explanations on plate tectonics and/or Earth internal dynamics, you would do better by going THERE !

Other on-line lessons (that I know)
  1. gravimetric lessons from Bureau Gravimétrique International


I/ Basics on mathematical differential operators (gradient, divergence, rotationnel, Laplacien, etc...)

II/ Temperature field (heat flux, lithosphere cooling, etc...)

III/ Spherical harmonics

IV/ Gravity field, Geoid, gravimetric anomalies, etc...

V/ Velocity field and deformations of the Earth surface

VI/ Magnetic field

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