Surface & Reservoir

Water, carbon, erosion and fluid-rock coupling cycles

The Surface and Reservoir team is a multidisciplinary team, whose activities focus on soils and subsoils and flows of material (erosion), carbon and water. These themes are related to the atmosphere and climate, whether at time scales of (i) the paleoclimate (sedimentary basin formation, geothermics), (ii) the meteorological event (erosion, landslide, flood, drought) or iii) the coming century (evolution/distribution of carbon stocks and water resource). To do this, the team mobilizes experimental methods in the laboratory, instruments measurement sites (distributed in different regions: tropical areas, Asia, Europe…), analyzes the data and develops models. One of the special features of the team is its good connection with operators (ADEME, Water Agencies, AFB), French or foreign local authorities (Region, City of Paris), as well as with industry/EPIC (working on hydrocarbons and carbon storage). The Surface and Reservoir team is part of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace.



    Diversified PhD theses and post-doc fundings
    ADEME, BRGM, Contrats industriels, CSC (Chine), IFPEN, Labex Matisse, Météo-France, Ville de Paris…
    1 Pre-doc
    C. Daigre
    12 PhD students
    T. Briolet – E. Bruni – A. Delahaie – L. Dufour – R. Gaillard – Ariel Gallagher
    E. Kanari – J. Lebrun – L. Sereni – A. Sobaga – A. Ternon – A. Thomas
    6 Post-docs
    N. Catalán – S. Chapman – F. Kialka – J. Le Noé – É. Salmon – C. Sun – A. Vincent

    A multidisciplinary team of researchers and teachers
    soil biogeochemists, geomorphologists, hydrogeologists, rock mechanics, geophysicists
    8 Permanents
    S. Abiven (ENS) – P. Barré (CNRS 30) – L. Cécillon (INRAE) – J. Fortin (CNRS 9)
    B. Guenet (CNRS 30) – F. Habets (CNRS 30) – P. Meunier (ENS) – S. Violette (SU)
    4 Emeriti and Volonteers
    E. Buffetaut – Y. Guéguen – J.-P. Pozzi – B. Velde