Depuis plusieurs annés nous étudions le processus du cycle sismique au long de la subduction Chilienne. Ce chantier réunit plusieurs laboratoires de recherche en Sciences de la Terre en France et au Chili : Géologie ENS, sismologie et tectonique IPGP, Départements de Géophysique (DGF) et Géologie (DG) de l'Université du Chili à Santiago (U-Chile). Il s'appuie sur des financements récurrents des laboratoires participants et des financements sur projets (ANR en France, FONDECYT au Chili). Cette coopération a donné lieu à la crétion d'un laboratoire international associé entre le CNRS et l'Université du Chili: le LIA "Montessus de Ballore".
Nos objectifs à moyen-terme sont les suivants:
En ce qui concerne le GPS, nous pensons qu'il est nécessaire de déployer environ 15 stations par lacune. En effet, le réseau "minimum" comprend des profils de stations établies perpendiculairement à la subduction, avec à chaque fois 3 points : Un à la cote (au plus près possible de la faille), un en vallée centrale (à l'aplomb du bout du plan bloqué), et enfin un dernier dans la cordillère (pour établir une "référence" la moins déformée possible). Par ailleurs, sur une lacune de 200 à 300 km de long, 5 profils sont nécessaires pour caractériser la déformation à l'intérieur de la lacune, près de ses extrémités et en dehors (par exemple, pour contraindre l'extrémité de la rupture en cas de séisme). Un autre raisonnement: une maille de l'ordre de 30 à 50 km, qui correspond à la longueur d'onde probable des phénomènes recherchés, donne le même ordre de grandeur (15 étant alors une borne inférieure).
Cartes Central Chile finally breaks The West Andean Thrust, the San Ramon Fault and the Seismic Hazard for Santiago Chile Reply to the comment by R. A. Astini and F. M. Davila on "The West Andean Thrust, the San Ramon Fault, and the seismic hazard for Santiago, Chile
Chili-central (de Concepcion à Vallenar) et Nord Chili (d'Arica à Antofagasta)
Nord Chili, régions de Coquimbo, Atacama et Antofagasta
tables de stations
Chili-central (de Concepcion à Vallenar) et Nord-Chili (de Arica à Antofagasta)
Rapports internes
Peyrat, S., J. Campos, J.B. DeChabalier, A. Perez, S. Bonvallot, M.P. Bouin, D. Legrand, A. Nercessian, O. Charade, G. Patau, E. Clévédé, E. Kausel, P. Bernard, J.P. Vilotte
Geophys. Res. Let., V33, DOI 10.1029/2006GL027710, 2006.
PDF re-print
Bonnefoy-Claudet, S., S. Baize, L.F. Bonilla, C. Berge-Thierry, C. Pasten, J. Campos, P. Volant and R. Verdugo
Geophys. J. Int. DOI 10.1111/J.1365-246X.2008.04020.x, 20008.
PDF re-print
Montagner, J.-P., V. Clouard, J. Campos, A. Cisternas, M. Grbault and B. Romanowicz
PEPI, 175, 1-2 SI, pp: 1-2, [doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2009.03.001], 2009
Vigny, C., A. Rudloff, J.C. Ruegg, R. Madariaga, J. Campos, M. Alvarez
PEPI, Vol 175, issue 1-2, June, 10.1016/j.pepi.2008.02.013, 2009.
PDF file
Ruegg, J.C., A. Rudloff, C. Vigny, R. MAdariaga, J.B. DeChabalier, J. Campos, E. Kausel, S. Barrientos, D. Dimitrov
PEPI, Vol 175, issue 1-2, June, 10.1016/j.pepi.2008.02.015, 2009.
PDF file
Béjar-Pizarro, M., D. Carrizo, A. Socquet, R. Armijo, S. Barrientos, F. Bondoux, S. Bonvalot, J. Campos, D.Comte, J.B. de Chabalier, O. Charade, A. Delorme, G. Gabalda, J. Galetzka, J. Genrich, A. Nercessian1, M. Olcay, F. Ortega, I. Ortega, D. Remy, J.C. Ruegg, M. Simons, C.Valderas, and C. Vigny
Geophys, J. Int., doi 0.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04748.x, 2010.
Lancieri, M. Fuenzalida, A. Sergio R. and Madariaga, R.
BSSA, 2010, submitted
Peyrat, S.; Madariaga, R.; Buforn, E.; Campos, J.; Asch, G. & Vilotte, J.
Geophys. J. Int., 82,2,pp1411-1430, [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04685.x], 2010
Madariaga, R., M. Métois, C. Vigny and J. Campos
Science, 9 April 2010, Vol. 328. no. 5975, pp. 181 - 182, DOI: 10.1126/science.11891972010, 2010.
PDF file
Armijo, R., R. Rauld, R. Thiele, G. Vargas, J. Campos, R. Lacassin and E. Kausel
Tectonics, 29, TC2007, [doi: 10.1029/2008TC002427], 2010
Armijo, R.; R. Rauld; R. Thiele; et al.
Tectonics, 29, TC4010, [doi: 10.1029/2010TC002692], 2010
Peyrat, S. and P. Favreau
Geophys. J. Int, 181, 1, pp 369-381, [doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04493.x], 2010
Coseismic slip distribution of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake
Pollitz, F. F., B. Brooks, X. Tong, M. G. Bevis, J. H. Foster, R. Burgmann, R. Smalley Jr., C. Vigny, A. Socquet, J.-C. Ruegg, J. Campos, S. Barrientos, H. Parra, J. C. B. Soto, S. Cimbaro, and M. Blanco
Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L09309, doi:10.1029/2011GL047065, 2011.
PDF file
The 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Mega-Thrust Earthquake of Central Chile, Monitored by GPS
Vigny,C., A. Socquet, S. Peyrat et al.
Science, 332, 17 june 2011, pp 1417-1421 [DOI:10.1126/science.1204132], 2011.
PDF file
Supporting Online Material
High Rate GPS movie
Identification of High Frequency Pulses from Earthquake Asperities Along Chilean Subduction Zone Using Strong Motion
Ruiz, S., E. Kausel, J. Campos, G.R. Saragoni and R. Madariaga
PAGeophy, 168, 1-2 SI, pp 125-139, [doi: 10.1007/s00024-010-0117-x], 2011
Large extensional aftershocks in the continental forearc triggered by the 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile
Ryder, I., A. Rietbrock, K. Kelson, R. Burgmann, M. Floyd, A. Socquet, C. Vigny and D. Carrizo
Geophysical Journal International, [DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05321.x], 2012.
PDF file
Toward understanding tectonic control on the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
Moreno, M., D. Melnick, M. Rosenau, J. Baez, J. Klotz, O. Oncken, A. Tassara, J. Chen, K. Bataille, M. Bevis, A. Socquet, C. Vigny, B. Br ooks, I. Ryder, V. Grund, B. Smalley, D. Carrizo, M. Bartsch and H. Hase.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 321-322, pp 152-165 [DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.01.006], 2012.
PDF file
Interseismic coupling, segmentation and mechanical behavior of the central Chile subduction zone
Métois, M., A. Socquet and C. Vigny
Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 117, B03406, [doi:10.1029/2011JB008736], 2012.
PDF file
Auxiliary material #1 : details (processing, modeling, resolution tests)
Auxiliary material #2 : tables
Short Period Rupture Process of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake in Chile
Ruiz, S., R. Madariaga, M. Astroza,, G. R. Saragoni, M. Lancieri, C. Vigny and J. Campos,
Earthquake Spectra,Vol 28, special issue 1, pp S1-S18, [doi 10.1193/1.4000039], 2012.
The 2007 M7.7 Tocopilla northern Chile earthquake sequence: Implications for along-strike and downdip rupture segmentation and megathrust frictional behavior
Schurr, B., G. Asch, M. Rosenau, R. Wang, O. Oncken, S. Barrientos, P. Salazar and J.-P. Vilotte
Journal of Geophys. Res., 117, B05305, [doi: 10.1029/2011JB009030], 2012
Aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake rupture zone
Lange, D., F. Tilmann, S. Barrientos, E. Contreras-Reyes, P. Methe, M. Moreno, B. Heit, H. Agurto, P. Bernard, J.-P. Vilotte and S. Beck
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317, pp 413-425, [doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.11.034], 2012
The seismic coupling of subduction zones revisited
Scholz, C. and J. Campos
Journal of Geophys. Res., B05310, [doi: 10.1029/2011JB009003], 2012
Coupled seismic and socio-political crises: the case of Puerto Aysen in 2007
Soulé, B.
Journal of Risk Research, 15, 1, 21-37., 2012
Interpretation of interseismic deformations and the seismic cycle associated with large subduction earthquakes
Trubienko, O., L. Fleitout, J.-D. Garaud and C. Vigny
Tectonophysics, 589, 126-141, [doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.027], 2013.
PDF file
Andean structural control on interseismic coupling in the North Chile subduction zone
Béjar-Pizarro, M., A. Socquet, R. ArmijoD. Carrizo, J. Genrich and M. Simons
Nature Geoscience, 28 April, [DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1802], 2013
Analysis and modelling of tsunami-induced tilt for the 2007, M = 7.6, Tocopilla and the 2010, M = 8.8 Maule earthquakes, Chile, from long-base tiltmeter and broadband seismometer records
Boudin, F., S. Allgeyer, P. Bernard, H. Hébert, M. Olcay, R. Madariaga, M. El-Madani, J.-P. Vilotte, S. Peyrat, A. Nercessian, B. Schurr, M.-F. Esnoult, G. Asch, I. Nunez, and M. Kammenthaler
Geophys. J. Int., published online April 28, [doi:10.1093/gji/ggt123], 2013
Revisiting the North Chile seismic gap segmentation using GPS-derived interseismic coupling
Metois, M., A. Socquet, C. Vigny, D. Carrizo, S. Peyrat, A. Delorme, E. Maureira, M.-C. Valderas-Bermejo and I. Ortega
Geophysical Journal International, [doi:10.1093/gji/ggt183], 2013.
PDF file
Auxiliary material : details (data tables, processing, modeling, resolution tests)
Coseismic and Postseismic Slip Associated with the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile: Characterizing the Arauco Peninsula Barrier Effect
Lin, Y.N., A. Sladen, F.Ortega, M. Simons, J.P. Avouac, E.J. Fielding, B.A. Brooks, M. Bevis, J. Genrich, A. Rietbrock, C. Vigny, R. Smalley, A. Socquet
Journal of Geophysical Research, [doi:10.1002/jgrb.50207], 2013.
PDF file
The Constitucion earthquake of 25 march 2012: a large aftershock of the Maule earthquake near the bottom of the seismogenic zone
Ruiz, S., R. Grandin, V. Dionicio, C. Satriano, A. Fuenzalida, C. Vigny, E. Kiraly, C. Meyer, J.-C. Baez, S. Riquelme, R. Madariaga and J. Campos
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL), 377-378, pp 347-457 [doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.07.017], 2013.
PDF file
A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw=8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake
J. Bedford, M. Moreno, J.-C. Baez, D. Lange, F. Tilmann, M. Rosenau, O. Heidbach, O. Oncken, M. Bartsch, A. Rietbrock, A. Tassara, M. Bevis and C. Vigny
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL), 383, 26-36, [doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.020], 2013.
PDF file
Post-crisis Analysis of an ineffective Tsunami Alert: the Case of the 27 February 2010 Maule Earthquake (Chile).
Soulé, B.
Disasters, (accepted), 2013
GPS-derived interseismic coupling on the subduction and seismic hazards in the Atacama region, Chile
Metois, M., C. Vigny, A. Socquet, A. Delorme, S. Morvan, I. Ortega and M.-C. Valderas-Bermejo
Geophysical Journal International,196, 644-655 [doi:10.1093/gji/ggt418], 2014.
PDF file
Auxiliary material : details (data tables, processing, modeling, resolution tests)
Intense foreshocks and a slow slip event preceded the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 earthquake
Ruiz, S., M. Metois, A. Fuenzalida, J. Ruiz, F. Leyton, R. Grandin, C. Vigny, R. Madariaga and J. Campos
Science, 24 July, [doi:10.1126/science.1256074], 2014.
PDF file
Localized fault slip to the trench in the 2010 Maule, Chile Mw = 8.8 earthquake from joint inversion of high-rate GPS, teleseismic body waves, InSAR, campaign GPS, and tsunami observations
Han Yue, T. Lay, L. Rivera, C. An, C. Vigny, X. Tong and J.-C. Baez Soto
JGR, 25 Oct 2014 [doi: 10.1002/2014JB011340], 2014.
PDF file
Los terremotos de Iquique 2014.
S. Ruiz, M. Métois, R. Grandin, E. Rivera, S. Leon, S. Cararo, A. Fuenzalida, M. Vallée, F. Leyton, J. Ruiz, C. Vigny, R. Madariaga and J. Campos
proceedings of the "Asociacion Chilena de Sismologia" (ACHISINA) 2015, 2014
PDF file
3D displacement field of the 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile) from across- and along-track Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry
Grandin, R., E. Klein, M. Métois and C. Vigny
Geophysical Research Letters, March 2016, [doi:10.1002/2016GL067954]
PDF file
Afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation model inferred from the large scale postseismic deformation following the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake (Chile)
Klein, E., L. Fleitout, C. Vigny and J.-D. Garaud
Geophysical Journal International, March 2016, [doi:10.1093/gji/ggw086]
PDF file
Auxiliary material : details (processing, modeling, resolution tests)
Auxiliary material : data tables
Interseismic coupling, megathrust earthquakes and seismic swarms along the Chilean subduction zone (38°s-18°s)
Métois, M., C. Vigny and A. Socquet
Pure and Applied Geophysics, March 2016, [doi:10.1007/s00024_016_1280_5]
PDF file
The Seismic Sequence of the 16 September 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake
Ruiz,S., Klein, E., DelCampo, F., Rivera, E., Poli, P., Métois, M., Vigny, C., Baez, J.C., Vargas, G., Leyton, F., Madariaga, R., and L. Fleitout
Seismological Research Letters, Vol87, n°4, July 2016, [doi:10.1785/0220150281]
PDF file
A Comprehensive analysis of the Illapel 2015 Mw8.3 earthquake from GPS and InSAR data
Klein, E., C. Vigny, L. Fleitout, R. Grandin, R. Jolivet, E. Rivera, and M Métois
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, April 2017, [doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.04.010]
PDF file
Auxiliary material : details (processing, modeling, resolution tests)
Bridging the gap between North and Central Chile : insight from new GPS data on coupling complexities and the Andean sliver motion
Klein, E., M. Métois, G. Meneses, C. Vigny and A. Delorme.
Geophysical Journal International, March 2018, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy094
PDF file
Auxiliary material : details (processing, modeling, resolution tests)
The Chilean GNSS Network: Current Status and Progress toward Early Warning Applications
Baez, J. C.; Leyton, F.; Troncoso, C.; F. del Campo, M. Bevis, C. Vigny, M. Moreno, M. Simons,E. Kendrick, H. Parra, and F. Blume
Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 89, pp 1546-1554, 2018, doi:0.1785/0220180011
PDF file
Deep transient slow slip detected by survey GPS in the region of Atacama, Chile
Klein, E., Z. Duputel, D. Zigone, C. Vigny, J.-P. Boy, C. Doubre and G. Meneses
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 45, Issue 22, p.12263-12273, 2018, doi:[]
PDF file
Interplay of seismic and a-seismic deformation during the 2020 sequence of Atacama, Chile
Klein, E., Potin, B., Pasten-Araya, F., Tissandier, R., Azua, K., Duputel, Z., Herrera, C., Rivera, L., Nocquet, JM., Baez, JC., Zigone, D., Madariaga, R., Ampuero, JP., Ruiz, S., and C. Vigny.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 570 , 2021, doi:[10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117081]
PDF file
Slow slip events precursory to the 2014 Iquique Earthquake, revisited with long-base tilt and GPS records
Boudin, F., Bernard, P., Meneses, G., Vigny, C., Olcay, M.,Tassara, C., Boy, J.P., Aissaoui, E., Métois, M., SatrianoC., Esnoult, M.F., Nercessian, A., Vallée, M., Vilotte, J.P., and C. Brunet
Geophysical Journal International, Volume 228, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 2092-2121, doi:[10.1093/gji/ggab425]
PDF file
A 20 year-long GNSS solution across South-America with focus in Chile
Klein, E., C. Vigny, J.-M. Nocquet and H. Boulze
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Jan 2022, doi:[10.1051/bsgf/2022005]
PDF file
ftp to time series data base : SOAM_GNSS_solENS v2.0
ftp to earthquake data base SOAM_GNSS_solENS v1.0
The 1877 megathrust earthquake of North Chile two times smaller than thought ? a review of ancient articles
Vigny, C. and E. Klein
Journal of South American Earth Science, Vol 117, August 2022, doi:[10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103878]
PDF file
Post seismic motion after 3 Chilean megathrust earthquakes: A clue for a linear asthenospheric viscosity
Boulze, H., L. Fleitout, E. Klein and C. Vigny
Geophysical Journal International, July 2022, doi:[10.1093/gji/ggac255]
PDF file
Auxiliary material
Return of the Atacama deep Slow Slip Event : the 5-year recurrence confirmed by continuous GPS
Klein, E., C. Vigny, Z. Duputel, D. Zigone, L. Rivera, S. Ruiz and B. Potin
PEPI, Vol. 334, Jan 2023, doi:[10.1016/j.pepi.2022.106970]
PDF file
Afterslip of the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel earthquake imaged through a time-dependent inversion of continuous and survey GNSS data
Tissandier, R., J.-M. Nocquet, E. Klein, C. Vigny, J. Ojeda and S. Ruiz
Journal of Geophyscal Research, Vol. 128, Feb. 2023, doi:[10.1029/2022JB024778]
PDF file
Seismic and aseismic slip during the 2006 Copiapo swarm in North-Central Chile
Ojeda, J., C. Morales-Yanez, G. Ducret, S. Ruiz, R. Grandin, M.-P. Doin, C. Vigny, and J.-M. Nocquet
Journal of South American Earth Science, Vol. 123, March 2023, doi:[10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104198]
PDF file
In search for the lost truth about the 1922 & 1918 Atacama earthquakes in Chile
Vigny, C., E. Klein and J. Ojeda
Journal of South American Earth Science, accepted, June 2024
accepted version main file (PDF)
accepted version aux file (PDF)